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Android Tips #1 Download any webpage and convert webpage to PDF

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Download webpage or convert webpage to PDF

What is webpage?

Website has the collections of pages known as webpages . Each page was divided for seperate purposes, for example : home page , about page .

Why download a webpage?

If we downloaded a webpage article we can read the page offline in any time and no data required . We can share it . If we forget the link or name of the website it can be helpful.

How to download a webpage?

Note : Tech Disclaimer ™ using Chrome browser for example purpose

Method #1

1) Click more options in any browser
Three dots or more options

2) Click the Download button
Download button

3) Open the downloaded page , it may be shown as offline
Offline webpage

[Method #1 can be used only in you used browser and it can't be download in internal storage and it only can share the link]

[Method #2 is more effective than method#1 . It can be download in internal storage and it can be share]

Method #2

1) Click more options in any browser
More options or three dots

2) Click Share button
Share button

3) Click Print button
Print button in mobile

4) Click Save PDF button
Convert webpage to PDF

5) Choose the destination folder and give name for it
Destination folder and file name

That's it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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