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Dark web × Deep Web + Surface Web

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Welcome to TD...... In this article, we are going to explain about Web , Types of Web , Surface Web , Deep Web and Dark Web . 


The World Wide Web (WWW), is commonly known as Web, is an information system where documents, medias and other web resources are identified by Uniform Resource Locators (URLs, such as, which may be interlinked by hypertext (over secure), and are accessible over the Internet (without secure) . The resources of the Web are transferred via the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and may be accessed by users by a software application called a web browser and are published by a software application called a web server. Many people confuse them with web and internet . Internet is connection of servers globally world-wide.

Types of Web

Types of Web with iceberg
Types of Web

Web is like an iceberg in the ocean . Everyone doesn't know that web has many types. Here we are going to mention and explain about its types. There are 3 types of web.

1) Surface Web

Social medias
Social media

It is like top part in the iceberg. Surface Web is the familiar to every common people because every people are using Surface Web . The results shown in this Web is decided by respective governments and organisations . User's data is visible and transparent for network service provider and search engines. Google searches , media downloads , applications , social medias etc...., comes under surface web .

2) Deep Web

Deep Web
Deep web

Deep Web is like middle part of iceberg . Deep Web is known as results that has not been indexed by search engines. Common people don't know about deep web. Is Deep Web safe? Obviously not... Is Deep Web illegal? Whole deep Web is not illegal. So , while using deep web ,use Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) . If you use VPN anyone can't track your Internet Protocol ( IP ) address. Deep Web has Government documents , patent documentation , medical documents , legal papers , medical researches etc.....,

3) Dark Web

Bitcoin dark web

Dark Web is like darkest part of the iceberg . Any Search engines doesn't allow us to search in Dark Web. Because it is illegal and completely unsafe . Anyone don't search Dark web like Surface Web . Hackers are always tries to track the dark web visitors. While using dark web ,use Virtual Private Network ( VPN ) , so your Internet Protocol ( IP ) address be protected. In Dark Web , Cyber Police can't surveillance anyone . Black money transactions , illegal transactions , women trafficking , child abuse , drugs sale , Guns sales , organs sale etc..., are done through Dark web . Bitcoin is the only currency accepted in Dark Web .

TD Fact 🧐

Dark Web was created by US military for exchange information from spies to government secretly through the technology TOR ( The Onion Router ) . In 1990's , government allows public to use it.

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